Monday, February 27, 2012

It's the Little Things...

I have found myself feeling down that February is almost over and we still haven't completed our family outreach project for the month... between illnesses and extra work hours for my husband, we actually have not even planned one out!  (Told you we were very human!)

However, the more I thought about it...

Our plan is to be intentional... To look for opportunities...

And the Lord gently reminded me... it isn't about doing big things, well thought out things, elaborate things... It really is simply, the little things...

  • taking a restaurant gift card to the new neighbor
  • checking in regularly with friends who have had sick little ones
  • praying for friends who are looking for better jobs
  • sending a care package to my mom with blank cards and stamps (she loves to send out a ray of sunshine!)
  • a husband working an extra shift so a coworker can attend a funeral
  • giving a few dollars to the couple standing near a busy stop light who are having a tough time
  • a listening ear for a young mom trying to face the challenges of a blended family
  • a daughter who is working on a joint story with her grandmother (they are both enjoying this project so much & get so tickled when the other's installment of the story arrives in the mailbox)
  • praying for family friends (plural!) who are working through the foreign adoption process
  • a daughter who sends 'Get Well' cards out to sick friends
  • a husband giving a ride to a coworker

    Wow. I just surprised myself with how many little things we have done. 

    No, I am not patting my family on the back here... just pointing out how the little things can add up. Those little things, seen often by little eyes and heard often by little ears, will become embedded into the hearts of our children.

    THAT is our goal.


    1. Love it all!!!! Especially the adoption part!! ;) Your family rocks!

    2. Yeah - I love it all too! And, let me tell you, the praying for your friends who are adopting makes a WAY bigger difference than you might think. It is DEFINITELY needed and appreciated. Don't ever fall into the trap of thinking that you have somehow 'failed' in any way because you haven't done something "big". Prayer IS big!!
      Love you!


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