Friday, January 27, 2012

Feeding the Fire Fighters!

First, just let me say... perhaps I got a little over excited with my menu plans... a hubby at work... 5 kids under feet (or attempting to seriously damage each other!)... Therefore... no selection of goodies... just cupcakes for dessert.  ;)

  • Taco Soup with Chicken
  • Corn Muffins
  • Corn Chips
  • Chocolate Buttercream Frosted Cupcakes
  • Soda
Still a great sounding menu, right? :)

I had originally planned to have my two oldest children help make the desserts... but, they were still working on chores that were supposed to have been accomplished earlier in the week.  I was determined not to let our plans be changed again, so I made it all.  Besides, this is the first outreach for the year... I don't want to be demanding of the children in regards to our outreach... I want to set a good example.  I believe the more we reach out, the more excited the children will be to help.

And boy, were they excited when we got there!  A little on the shy side at first, but two super friendly fire fighters broke the ice when they said, "Would you like to climb inside the truck?"

And that is how our wanting to show appreciation to our fire fighters turned into a home school field trip! :)  The children have NOT stopped talking about it!  My Blessings #2 and #3 want to go back tomorrow! LOL!

The fire fighters were very appreciative of a warm hearty soup with corn muffins.  The children were very appreciative of the special tour of all the fire trucks.  A good day!

PS... We did take a few pics... I will edit this post to add them as soon as I find the camera and figure out how! ;)

Thursday, January 26, 2012

January Outreach Prep

Today will be a busy day in our home!  After returning from our homeschool co-op, we have chores and schoolwork to catch up on...

Later we will be cooking and baking!!  We have decided to provide a complete meal for our local paid firefighters tomorrow.  A chicken taco soup with corn muffins and frito chips... a selection of cookies and cupcakes... and a selection of soda. 

Yum! I think I will need to make a REALLY BIG batch so we can have some too! :)

We also plan on providing goodies for our local volunteer department, but their next meeting isn't until February.

We plan on taking some pictures when we deliver the meal (and perhaps get a little tour while we are there!)  So come back later this weekend and check for a new post with pics! :)

Friday, January 20, 2012

Ooops! I did it, again!

Training up our children is such a huge undertaking... one not to be taken lightly. 

However, being human and far, far from perfect... there are many days I fail.  Yes, you read that right... I fail.  I fail to fill up those sweet little 'love tanks' in their souls.

Two days this week have been that way... Little sleep... interrupted sleep... almost constant 2 yo tantrums... I could give lots of excuses... And if I am honest with myself, that's exactly what they are: EXCUSES.  Yes, we get tired. Yes, we get worn down. Yes, we get frustrated. However, God gave me one of the most important jobs on the planet! 

I wouldn't let my lack of sleep or poor mood get in my way if I were out in the paid workforce!  No, I would leave those problems at the door and go about my workday with a smile on my face (even if there is no joyous song in my heart).  I would gladly serve my customers or my managers... I mean, my paycheck would depend on doing a good job each day!!

Benefits of motherhood are so much more rewarding than a check!!  Hugs, kisses, "I love you's"... seeing those lessons that we hammer into our children start to take hold... seeing their hearts being molded into caring, loving servants for our Father!

But it takes time... LOTS of time!  I am someone who loves to see quick results (one reason I have never taken up knitting!) but motherhood is NOT about quick results!!  Nine months to have a baby... two to three years until potty trained... Eighteen years til they reach adulthood!!  Wow!!  It's a long journey that requires LOTs of time, LOTS of energy (am I the only one lacking here?), LOTS of.... I don't like this word very much... PATIENCE!

I fully believe that is why so many mothers, myself included, feel so weary.  We can't do it all on our own... We need our Father's help!!  He will give us hope, grace, patience, strength... and everything else to keep us going!

I have been placing index cards with uplifting scriptures throughout my home... places I will see as I go about my day...

Galations 6:9 (NKJV)
And let us not grow weary while doing good,
 for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart

Jeremiah 29:11-13 (The Message)
I know what I’m doing.
I have it all planned out—
plans to take care of you,
not abandon you,
plans to give you the future you hope for.
When you call on me, when you come and pray to me,
I’ll listen.
When you come looking for me,
you’ll find me.

Just to name a few :)

I am also seeking out encouragement... such as Hope for the Weary Mom and Raising Arrows.

Because raising my children's 'Heart and Hands to Heaven' begins with me.  Thank God for his grace and mercy in giving me another day to try again, to keep working toward our goal of servant's hearts for our children.  Thank Him for forgiving me when I fail... for forgiving me when I forget to leave it all with Him and try to do it on my own!

Now, I am off to fill some 'love tanks'! :) 

Monday, January 9, 2012

Blessings Bag Thoughts

In my Welcome! post, I mentioned Blessings Bags. 

With thoughts of the homeless... Here. In America.

Or those really struggling... Here. In America.


Upon reading a friend's blog, I was reminded that the Bible urges us to share His message with EVERYONE (Mark 16:15).  It also urges us to care for the orphans (James 1:27).

So... Why not send Blessings Bags to other struggling countries?

Read my friend's blog.  Learn how to be an ordinary hero.  Invite your friends to party.

I challenge you to see what you can do...  It's a small thing, really. No passports required.  No airfare or long layovers.  Simply slip some clothes in some bags.  Mail them to Kentucky and let the missionaries handle the rest. 

And Oh! By the way... Gently used clothing is OK for those bags! :)

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Who am I?

Now, you may be asking yourself... "Who is this Blessed Mama who wants her family's 'Hearts & Hands to Heaven' as servants of our Father?"

Great question! Have you got that coffee or tea handy?

Blessed Mama came from a 'broken' home (parents divorced when she was only two, 'mom' walked away and never really looked back), spent some time in the foster care system (a very humbling situation), and then finished out the growing-up years living with her father, step-mother (who IS a true mom!), and 2 brothers in a small southern town. Blessed Mama asked Jesus into her heart at a tender young age and grew up in church. However, she sort of  'forgot' about that relationship for awhile in early adulthood (but was still a good girl!).  Nothing like a few years in the trenches of motherhood to make one realize they NEED His help!  Today I homeschool the 2 older children as I tend the needs of the younger 3 children.   Blessed Mama is in awe that our Father has entrusted so many little hearts into her care... and so very thankful for each and every one!

Perhaps you noticed that no names have been shared?  Oh, I know some of you know me in person... but, understand... this blog is about us, but NOT about us. Confused?  No need... We are but a very small part of the greater picture that our Father is weaving together.  What we do, what you read... well, it could be about any of us... all of us! 

The life of Jesus here on Earth... that is our role model toward servanthood.  Not the "Smith's" or the "Jones'" (although I know some of each who are pretty great folks!). 

My point?  Read & enjoy this blog.  Allow it to inspire you. Challenge you.  But do NOT look to me... I WILL let you down, no matter how hard I try. Instead,  "Turn your eyes upon Jesus, Look full in His wonderful face, And the things of Earth will grow strangely dim, In the light of His glory and grace."

Now you know me just a little bit better... Tell me a little about yourself?

Saturday, January 7, 2012


Welcome to our new family blog!  And Happy New Year!!

We don't "do" New Year's Resolutions. They are too easily broken. 

This year we are doing Family Goal's for the New Year, with prayers that some will become lifestyles. Such as our biggest goal:  Family Outreach. Small things and not-so-small things that will show our children just how easy it is to have 'Hearts and Hands to Heaven', ready to show our Father's love to everyone.

We do not have a large list yet... just a few ideas that our older children helped to compile.

  • Goodies for our local firefighters (They have unfortunately been quite busy lately.)
  • Blessing Bags for the homeless or those having very tough times
  • An anonymous payment on an utility bill
  • Bingo at a local nursing home
  • Movie Basket for a family (filled with a gift card from a local movie rental store, some popcorn & candy, and a couple of sodas)

See? Nothing very difficult. Just being deliberate about keeping our eyes & ears open while listening for a prompting from our Father.

Am I patting us on the back? Oh, no, no, no!  We simply want to share our journey. Share ideas and inspiration.  AND... Ok, I admit it... sometimes I can start with good intentions and then let things be pushed to the back burner (I am human, ok? And I have 5 wonderful blessing that call me Mama and keep me very busy.)  So, this blog is my accountability partner (you, too!).

Now, add us to your favorite blogs ;) and have a cup of coffee (or tea!) with me as I chronicle our family's journey to have a servant's heart.