Sunday, January 8, 2012

Who am I?

Now, you may be asking yourself... "Who is this Blessed Mama who wants her family's 'Hearts & Hands to Heaven' as servants of our Father?"

Great question! Have you got that coffee or tea handy?

Blessed Mama came from a 'broken' home (parents divorced when she was only two, 'mom' walked away and never really looked back), spent some time in the foster care system (a very humbling situation), and then finished out the growing-up years living with her father, step-mother (who IS a true mom!), and 2 brothers in a small southern town. Blessed Mama asked Jesus into her heart at a tender young age and grew up in church. However, she sort of  'forgot' about that relationship for awhile in early adulthood (but was still a good girl!).  Nothing like a few years in the trenches of motherhood to make one realize they NEED His help!  Today I homeschool the 2 older children as I tend the needs of the younger 3 children.   Blessed Mama is in awe that our Father has entrusted so many little hearts into her care... and so very thankful for each and every one!

Perhaps you noticed that no names have been shared?  Oh, I know some of you know me in person... but, understand... this blog is about us, but NOT about us. Confused?  No need... We are but a very small part of the greater picture that our Father is weaving together.  What we do, what you read... well, it could be about any of us... all of us! 

The life of Jesus here on Earth... that is our role model toward servanthood.  Not the "Smith's" or the "Jones'" (although I know some of each who are pretty great folks!). 

My point?  Read & enjoy this blog.  Allow it to inspire you. Challenge you.  But do NOT look to me... I WILL let you down, no matter how hard I try. Instead,  "Turn your eyes upon Jesus, Look full in His wonderful face, And the things of Earth will grow strangely dim, In the light of His glory and grace."

Now you know me just a little bit better... Tell me a little about yourself?


  1. Thanks for sharing about your childhood, indeed humbling! I never knew this till today. I think you are seriously going to be GREAT at blogging! Can't wait for the next one..... :)


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